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How long does the install process for Paint Protection Film take?

The install process varies based on your car and the package purchased. Typically for a full wrap we recommend allow for 5 business days.

Is Paint Protection Film really worth the cost?

Whilst a Paint Protection Film solution comes with upfront costs you are purchasing a solution with longevity (Suntek Ultrafilm comes with a 10 year warranty). If your priority is preserving the quality of your paint work and protecting the resale value to highest possible standard Paint Protection Film is for you.

Paint Protection film could save you thousands of dollars in paintwork should your unprotected car be exposed to road debris damage.

An added bonus of a Paint Protection Film wrap is the boost to your resale value. By protecting your vehicles paint when it comes time to sell the condition preserved by the wrap should considerably increase the resale value.

How does Paint Protection film work?

Virtually undetectable to the eye this self healing film is applied with finesse and accuracy to protect the painted surfaces of your car from stonechips, scratches, swell marks and other environmental risks.

Suntek PPF Ultra comes in either optically clear high gloss or a matte finish that can be used to create specialty effects. The film is applied to the surface of the vehicle to create a barrier against water, insects, road debris, and other stains. With either finish, there are benefits of self-healing film and HydroResist™ technology.

How does the self-healing work?

SunTek Paint Protection Film contains a proprietary top-coat. This top coat protects the urethane against surface scratches. The majority of surface scratches will self-heal when exposed to heat – sun, warm panel (motor running), warm water, etc. We demonstrate this with a copper wire brush to simulate surface scratches that will self-heal such as surface dirt, sand, salt, etc.

Do you take panels off the car during install?

At The PPF Studio we do NOT remove panels from your vehicle. With over 10 years experience working in this industry we have developed the most premium application process that doesn’t risk the voiding of your cars manufacture warranty whilst achieving full protection of your vehicles paint.

Can Paint Protection Film be removed?

Yes, however it is recommended it be removed by a professional with the right tools and product knowledge. If the film is properly applied to a fully cured painted vehicle, it can be removed, usually in one piece, without damaging paint surfaces beneath the film and allowing reapplication if needed in an event of an accident.

Can SunTek Paint Protection Film be applied over repaired/fresh paint?

SunTek Paint Protection Film is designed and warrantied when applied to original paint. Issues with aftermarket/repaired paint are not warranted by SunTek. If you choose to still have SunTek Paint Protection Film installed over fresh paint, the common waiting period is 30 days for the paint to outgas.

Can “coatings” be applied to Paint Protection Film?

Ceramic coatings are approved for use with Suntek Paint Protection Films when applied over the surface of the product. Ceramic coatings create an additional barrier for solvent and water penetration while not negatively impacting the performance or self-healing of the Paint Protection Film. This application will not void your warranty.

Can I take my car through a pressure wash with Paint Protection Film?

It is best practice to wait 3 days before washing your car. While hand washing is preferred, you can use a pressure wash, but be careful near edges as the pressure water can lift the edge.